General Animal Science | Doctorate / PhD | Science | On Campus | 4 years | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources) | Czech Republic
The General Animal Science study programs has been reflecting changes in society demands and diversification of the animal breeding profession due to a shift from pure economic orientation to a broader understanding of breeding issues, which include excepting the livestock breeding, and special raising of domesticated or non-domesticated animals, including exotics. The programs is directed towards the improvement and specialization of student knowledge in science disciplines, which forms a theoretical basis, with methodical approaches applied in the development of animal breeding. These disciplines deal with biological characteristics, principals, and demands of living organisms, and their interactions with the environment or other organisms in order to maintain and improve fitness and performance of bred animals. Etholofy of domesticated and wild animals and breeding of companion animals can also be studied within this study programs.