Architectural Technology BSc (Hons) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 36 months | De Montfort University | United Kingdom

This programme focuses on detailed decisions about the design and construction of buildings and their immediate surroundings. Architectural Technology is concerned with new and existing buildings and examines how detail relates to the design concept. This field is also central to the communication of design decisions to members of the construction team and vital to ensuring that work is carried out in the correct manner. Our course will help you evolve the knowledge and skills required in understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation relative to design, technology, management and practice.  It will also help advance your architectural management proficiency by bringing together all aspects of the design process, from concept through to completion. In addition, this degree examines design strategies to promote and encourage sustainability. You will explore methods of sustainability to inform architectural design, and develop an awareness of ecological footprints, materials and embodied energy along with processes of achieving sustainable design.

Architectural Technology BSc (Hons) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 36 months | De Montfort University | United Kingdom

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