Bachelor's program in Economics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3+2 years | Aalto University | Finland
The Economics program is for analytical students who are fascinated by complex challenges such as climate change, global inequality and financial instability. We are looking for analytically minded and intellectually curious students who share our passion for understanding how societies work. We offer world-class training that combines analytical, computation and data processing skills that are high in demand and open the door to a wide range of careers.
After completing the Bachelor in Economics you will have:
A strong understanding of economic theory: Understand and interpret real-world phenomena in the light of economic theories.
A comprehensive analytical toolkit: Strong analytical skills in economics combined with computation and data processing skills.
Systematic approach & critical thinking: Systematic approach to complex societal questions and economic phenomena.
A solid foundation for further education: Students admitted to the Bachelor’s Programme in Economics will automatically be eligible to continue for the Master's Degree programme in Economics at Aalto University School of Business or in other Master's Degree Programmes at the Aalto University School of Business (according to transfer regulations). The Department of Economics also has a strong track record of helping students to enter some of the most prestigious graduate programmes abroad.
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