Education Studies with Mandarin, French or Spanish BA (Hons) | Bachelor's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 36 months | De Montfort University | United Kingdom

The course is ideal for students who discontinued languages at school after year nine or GCSEs, or those who have no background in languages. Competence in another language has become an essential skill for success in the global job market. By combining your study of Education Studies with a language, you will develop not only competence in the language itself, but will also enhance your employability; a language distinguishes you from other graduates. Did you know that French is an official language in 32 countries, with a projected growth to 750 million people worldwide by 2050; Mandarin Chinese is currently the language with the greatest number of speakers; and Spanish has over 470 million speakers worldwide including in Central and South American countries and the USA? You can start your study of languages at DMU (French, Mandarin or Spanish) at beginner, GCSE (intermediate) or Advanced level.

Education Studies with Mandarin, French or Spanish BA (Hons) | Bachelor's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 36 months | De Montfort University | United Kingdom

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