Independent/Supplementary Prescribing BSc | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | De Montfort University | United Kingdom

This programme is designed to prepare students to work as an independent/supplementary prescriber. This programme is designed to prepare nurses (Level 1) and midwives registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as well as physiotherapists /podiatrists/paramedics or therapeutic radiographers registered with the Health Care professions Council (HCPC) to register as Independent/Supplementary Prescriber on completion of the programme. The programme has been validated by the NMC and prepares students to prescribe from the BNF within their competency and professional bodies’ authorisation. The curriculum has been designed with expert advice from a multidisciplinary team of clinicians and academics to address the academic and clinical demands of the role of a prescriber. The programme is designed to have a 50:50 split between theory and practice. You will be taught general principles in class, but will need to relate these to your own practice area with the support of your practice supervisor and practice assessor. You must complete 12 days (84 hours) in a supernumerary capacity observing a variety of prescribing decisions. The student will be allocated time for these practice days but is responsible for organising suitable experiences to enhance their knowledge. This course is available for UK/EU students

Independent/Supplementary Prescribing BSc | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | De Montfort University | United Kingdom

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