Project Management MSc | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 12 months | De Montfort University | United Kingdom

Designed to meet the increasing demand for effective project management across all industries, this course focuses on the key principles behind project management methodology. Project management is crucial in all business fields, from the financial sector and information technology, to healthcare and public services. This course helps equip you with the skills and expertise required to to undertake complex business planning in the modern global business environment. This course is an ideal choice if you’re interested in progressing into a new career or if you’re already a professional who is hoping to gain formal accreditation of existing knowledge and skills. Real-world challenges and tasks such as product development, change management, software development and event management all benefit from a structured management approach, and this course can teach you how to master this skill. You’ll balance theoretical analysis with practical experience to develop a critical and questioning approach to the conceptual underpinnings of project management. You’ll also have the opportunity to undertake an in-depth dissertation, allowing you to focus your studies on an area that’s of interest to you or relates to your current line of work.

Project Management MSc | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 12 months | De Montfort University | United Kingdom

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