Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) | Language course | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 4 weeks | Dominion English Schools | Permanently closed

The Dominion TESOL course is designed for non-native speakers of English who would like to learn how to teach English to young adults and adult learners. The course provides you with all the vital training and techniques to become a successful language teacher. It also prepares you to take the Cambridge TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test). Course contents are: Language teaching methodology: focus on teaching techniques to develop learners' language and skills; Background to language learning: analyse learning styles and learner characteristics and needs; Peer teaching practice: practise teaching techniques in the group with feedback from your tutor; Language development: learn how to analyse and describe English text. Improve your own language skills; Teacher observation: watch experienced teachers in action; English teaching materials: analyse available teaching resources and how to use them; Cambridge TKT: prepare for the TKT. Taking the test is optional, but recommended as TKT is internationally recognised. Entry Requirements: pass the Dominion TESOL entry test or minimum IELTS level 5. Age: 18+ years.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) | Language course | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 4 weeks | Dominion English Schools | Permanently closed

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