Human Resource Counselling MA | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 2 years | Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary

The aim of the program is to train experts, who, in possession of their human, economic and developed interdisciplinary approach, are able to make detailed analyses, to find global and special correlations and to carry out advising and assessing activities in the world of organizations, work, employment and education. They apply their professional skills, support the macro-level processes of human resource management and education according to the different professional requirements of the given workplace. They are able to identify special professional problems and define practical solutions to them. They provide help for individuals to make career planning decisions. Their advising activity is determined by their knowledge of the HR market and organizational processes. They are prepared to continue their studies in a PhD program.

Human Resource Counselling MA | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 2 years | Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary

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