Kindergarten Education BA | Bachelor's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 3 years | Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary

Kindergarten Educator Training offers the training of future professionals who possess theoretically based knowledge, skills and competences of pedagogy in order to complete the tasks of pre-school education. The aim is to train experts who are capable of and dedicated to educating 3-6-year-old children, after acquiring profound theoretical knowledge, competencies and skills. The task of the training is the expansion and renewal of the participants’ knowledge, the methodological shaping in the application of practical skills within the areas of interpreting integrated pre-school activities, complex and differentiated planning, organization and management. By the methodological culture and with conscious, psychologically, pedagogically and methodologically appropriate planning of the age-specific activity structure, the course will provide the students with optimal conditions for the development of children.

Kindergarten Education BA | Bachelor's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 3 years | Eötvös Loránd University | Hungary

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