Bachelor in Product Design | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 years | ESDi, Design Higher Education School | Spain

Our double title Official Degree in Design + Bachelor in Smart Design, with a duration of four years, allows the students to acquire knowledge specific to the designer’s work that is furthermore complemented with the new competencies that the digital environment demands. In this way, digital manufacturing, augmented reality and interactive design are transformed into fundamental tools for the present and future designer, capable of leading processes of change within the entrepreneurial and the creative world. Thanks to our cutting-edge technologies on additive manufacturing, 3D printing and virtual and holographic reality, our students seek to promote the development of products and services that are more effective and efficient, and that are able to find solutions to old and new problems in the design world.

Bachelor in Product Design | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 years | ESDi, Design Higher Education School | Spain

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