Summer Campus: The Taste of Fashion | Summer / Short course | Art & Design | On Campus | 10 days | ESDi, Design Higher Education School | Spain

Fashion is not just clothing design. It is trend prediction. It is styling. It is communication. It is innovation. It is sustainability. Just like gastronomy. The Summer Campus "The taste of fashion" is a way to introduce yourself and make contact with the world of fashion and food design, experimenting with the relationship between food, fashion and trends. Two weeks focused on creative methodologies to give a transversal knowledgeof fashion design understanding the different phases of the development of fashion collections and how creative processes in other creative disciplines, as happens in avant-garde cuisine, have points in common. The Summer Campus is intended for all those interested in entering the field of fashion. It is especially aimed at students who have not started a career, want to know the world of fashion and experiment in a previous course to help them decide their future as designers.

Summer Campus: The Taste of Fashion | Summer / Short course | Art & Design | On Campus | 10 days | ESDi, Design Higher Education School | Spain

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