Academic English | Language course | Languages | On Campus | 25 - 40 weeks | ETC - English Teaching College | New Zealand

Three programmes to select from: English for Academic Study (EAS) - Ten levels: The first four levels teach general English and the next 6 levels teach academic English and study skills. Students will usually study for 10 weeks at each level. The lower levels teach general English including vocabulary building and techniques to help students easily learn English. The higher levels teach academic English and preparation for international exams such as IELTS and FCE. The programme is approved by NZQA for international students. New Zealand Certificate in English Language (NZCEL) - Level 3 and Level 4 of this qualification are for students wanting academic English for further study or employment. Level 4 is equivalent to IELTS 6.0. This qualification is accepted by all polytechnics and other colleges in New Zealand. This qualification is internally assessed, it is not necessary to apply for an external exam like IELTS. The qualification is approved by NZQA for international students. English Skills Short Course Study - Up to 12 weeks study, reading, writing, speaking and listening. Full-time study. Visitor visa required. Level: intermediate to Advanced. Full-time 9:00 to 15:00 Monday to Friday.

Academic English | Language course | Languages | On Campus | 25 - 40 weeks | ETC - English Teaching College | New Zealand

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