Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management | Bachelor's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | On Campus | 4 years | University College of Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts of Sant Pol de Mar | Spain

The aim is to provide our students with the necessary skills and techniques to become a hotel, events, restaurant manager or executive chef. They will experience the rich flavors of the region while studying seaside. 1st year: You will be introduced to tourism and hospitality, the economic dimensions of tourism, and communication techniques. 2nd year: You will focus on management, marketing and accounting. You will also learn the principles of food technology and gastronomic culture. 3rd year: It centers on management courses in food and beverages, purchasing and procurement and human resources. 4th year: Finally you have to choose your electives subjects according to your interests + International industry internship

Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management | Bachelor's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | On Campus | 4 years | University College of Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts of Sant Pol de Mar | Spain

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