Game Art MA | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 1 year | Falmouth University | United Kingdom

Nurture your creativity as you collaborate with like-minded artists in an inspired and focused space. We welcome illustrators, fine artists, sculptors, graphic designers, or anyone with a passion for the visual dimensions of games. Ultimately, you'll graduate as a workplace-ready professional with a strong insight into the games industry. You will: Showcase your skills in context by working on a game art project and learning to co-create as part of a team Be supported by tutors with experience at companies like Rare, EA Games, Microprose and Square-Enix Access industry-standard hardware and software, a well-equipped life drawing room, dedicated space in a game development studio, and the same management tools and game engines used by the industry

Game Art MA | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 1 year | Falmouth University | United Kingdom

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