Applied Nutritional Science | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | Anglia Ruskin University | United Kingdom

Studying Applied Nutritional Science opens up career pathways in public health, clinical research, the food industry or the pharmaceutical sector.On this course, you'll explore the chemistry of food, sport and exercise nutrition, public health nutrition, clinical nutrition, along with broader knowledge across medical science. You'll gain the laboratory and other practical skills in our Level-2 SuperLab Complex. The SuperLab space also encompasses a physiological lab.You'll graduate with a solid grasp of the factors which influence public health nutrition, from the environment to culture and availability of food. This course also gives you a strong background in applied nutrition to pursue further study.If you do not meet the entry requirements for this course, we offer an extended degree, run over 4 years: Applied Nutritional Science (Extended).We welcome applications from international and EU students, and accept a range of international qualifications.

Applied Nutritional Science | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | Anglia Ruskin University | United Kingdom

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