Human Services: Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counseling Option Associate of Science Degree | Associate's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 2 years | Fresno City College | USA

This department offers basic, introductory information that is needed for a student seeking to understand both the social welfare and alcohol and drug abuse counseling systems in the United States and the profession of Social Work and Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling. Completion of the courses in the program prepare students with needed competence for transfer to university studies in human services and entry level jobs in the human services field. This degree is designed for students interested in working in the field of chemical dependency. Completion of the total program will broaden a candidate’s understanding and assist in preparation needed to enter the field. These core classes of the degree are accredited by the California Association for Alcohol/Drug Educators (CAADE) and recognized by the other counselor certification organizations in California. The degree offers course work leading to a certificate of achievement, and an AS degree in Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counseling.

Human Services: Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counseling Option Associate of Science Degree | Associate's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 2 years | Fresno City College | USA

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