Master's program in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering - Chemistry | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | Aalto University | Finland

If you are interested in energy storages, smart device or medicine, Chemistry offers you a strong scientific basis to take part in their development. In our major, you can choose from a broad selection of advanced chemistry areas to specialize in computational chemistry, inorganic materials chemistry, electrochemistry or synthetic organic chemistry. During your first year, you will familiarize yourself with fundamentals and practical work on these areas and after that will have a solid base to select your preferences for the remaining studies. Depending of your own interests, you may enhance your future knowledge by combining your studies with chemical engineering, materials science or polymer technology, just as an example. Our graduates are employed as specialists in various branches of chemical and related industry or governmental offices. Chemistry major also offers an excellent starting point for doctoral studies, if you pursue for deeper learning. Our professors are internationally acknowledged and have an extensive network that benefits your education. We also have excellent links to industry.

Master's program in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering - Chemistry | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | Aalto University | Finland

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