Media, Art, Design & Technology MA | Master's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | 2 years | Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen | Netherlands

Media performers, artists and designers doing strange and unexpected things with technology: that is what the MADtech study programme is about. You are expected to employ and artistically explore hybrid technologies in order to imagine, interpret and change human interaction with a transforming world. To do so, you apply a tinkering playfulness and an experimental mentality, which are the key aspects in your development and research. This mentality, combined with a critical reflective attitude and conceptual skills, leads to unexpected perspectives and results in artistic multimedia, experimental design or performative work in any combination. While MADtech students come from various professional backgrounds and fields of media, art or design, they all share a fascination for technology. The role that technology is going to play in your research exceeds that of a mere tool with predefined and process-shaping functionality. Instead, technology and its influence are examined critically, researched conceptually, used creatively in non-standard ways or developed individually to enable the creation of specific MADtech strangeness. The combination of disciplines gives you an opportunity to develop your artistic vision while deploying a hybrid artistic practice as an autonomous media performer, artist and designer. As your work engages with the world, you grow both as an individual and in your artistic practice, reinforcing the power of your imagination as well as exploring your own connection to a transforming and technologically charged society. The MADtech community of practice represents a hybrid approach and a mixture of contemporary art forms, including autonomous, applied and performing arts. On which projects you centre your artistic practice and research, and in which way you display or embed the outcomes, defines what sets you apart from other professionals working in this domain. At the same time, you share experiences and technological developments with your

Media, Art, Design & Technology MA | Master's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | 2 years | Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen | Netherlands

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