Strategic Management and Leadership (level 7) (Taught) | Diploma / certificate | Business | On Campus | 1 year | Herefordshire and Ludlow College | United Kingdom

This course is the global standard for the professional development of high ability and strategic managers. It provides high quality, advanced learning and development at the right pace for busy managers to develop and refine higher level managerial knowledge and skills. The balance between the needs of the manager and organisation is achieved by the negotiation of an individually tailored approach. This course offers a blended learning approach with nine units delivered over 11 monthly workshops, online tutor support and tutorials. The course is carefully linked to the requirements of an NQF higher level masters degree such as an MBA. It is also linked to the needs of chartered manager status. This qualification has a credit rating of up to 120 CATS points at certain universities (please discuss this with the tutor).

Strategic Management and Leadership (level 7) (Taught) | Diploma / certificate | Business | On Campus | 1 year | Herefordshire and Ludlow College | United Kingdom

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