Creative Make Up Design and Practice | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 1 year | Hugh Baird College | United Kingdom

Written in collaboration with industry experts, this course gives undergraduates the opportunity to explore and perfect their approach to establishing a reputation in the make up industry or taking their career to the next level. Undergraduates will be expected to work independently and apply critical thinking as they look into the future of make up design and development. Supported by academic work, they will take part in workshops, practical assessments and design briefs, producing an industry-ready portfolio. Modules will enhance the broad contextual and subject-specific knowledge base, empowering independent study and critical and analytical research. Through the digital design self-initiated project, undergraduates will embed the use of sector appropriate Technology, honing skills relating to design and digital, including Photography and the use of the digital design suite.

Creative Make Up Design and Practice | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 1 year | Hugh Baird College | United Kingdom

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