Doctorate in Political Science (in Portuguese only) | Doctorate / PhD | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon | Portugal

The key qualities of the Doctoral programme in Political Science may be summarized in three aspects. Firstly, the quality of its faculty, with large experience in the field of scientific research, demonstrated by the national and international literature produced by the teachers/researchers involved, but also with large teaching experience in the key areas of the course, particularly in Political Science and International Relations. Secondly, the relationship between the Department of Political Science and Public Policy and the associated research centres, including the CIES (centre has always been granted with a rating of "excellent"), the CSCHP (Centre for Studies in Contemporary History of Portugal) and the CAS (Centre for African Studies). The relationship with these research centres provides greater support for doctoral students to carry out their doctoral theses. Thirdly, noteworthy is the theoretical and methodological training that is available to doctoral students in this course, allowing them to develop research on current themes with results that are appropriable to research and professional fields. This education, along with the already established agreements with various entities, public and private, for internships, provides good job perspectives for future doctors.

Doctorate in Political Science (in Portuguese only) | Doctorate / PhD | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon | Portugal

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