Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product - 1st Level Master Degree | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 1 year | IED - Istituto Europeo di Design | Italy

1st Level Master course in Design trains a new generation of designers and strategists who are ready to approach problem solving by facing consumers and clients needs in a design process. The course offers the opportunity to examine different production systems. Participants are constantly stimulated and encouraged to develop their own design methodologies, in order to produce unique design concepts responding to market demands. Throughout the use of contemporary languages and expressions, future scenarios are reached and transformed into innovative design solutions. The Master course is based on an interdisciplinary team approach, as in the best design agencies and think-tanks. The curricular internship constitutes the achievement of the course as it offers the possibility to alternate a professional experience to the academic study programme. In order to facilitate the choice of professional opportunities, the curricular internship can be carried out in studios/companies - corresponding to the courses objectives - or on-campus through a professional simulation project.

Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product - 1st Level Master Degree | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 1 year | IED - Istituto Europeo di Design | Italy

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