Master in Fashion Creative Direction | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 6 months | IED - Istituto Europeo di Design | Italy

Now that branding means so much more than just a logo, the role of creative directors is gaining ground. These professionals take care of steering a brand through the conceptual universe guided by its values, messages and personality. And just as branding encompasses everything a product cannot convey on its own, the concept of “fashion” covers more than just clothing. A brand’s history, values and creativity create a powerful identity that can appeal to emotions and create a sense of belonging. The Master in Fashion Creative Direction draws on the intangible side of a product that is crucial for it to succeed: the emotional value of fashion brands. This involves exploring all the creative tools available to produce innovative solutions that define a fashion brand, make it desirable and engage its target audience through different channels (concept, communication campaigns, fashion shows, the digital environment, events...).

Master in Fashion Creative Direction | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 6 months | IED - Istituto Europeo di Design | Italy

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