Society, Media, and Politics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Jacobs University Bremen | Germany

The BA-program Society, Media and Politics (SMP) integrates the social sciences necessary to tackle the key challenges of our globalized world in a digitized context. Sociology, media studies and political sciences are learned from a problem-solving and research-oriented, student-centered perspective. Students are empowered to address pressing social problems in their environment by applying their knowledge and skills not only in research but also in direct practice. They learn about their social environment on field excursions, discuss political conditions and possible solutions to social issues and learn to campaign for their initiatives with the skillful use of digital media, for example by producing their own videos or animations. Innovative forms of assessment allow them to integrate these forms of activity in their curriculum. Our students are young people who want to make a difference. Also, SMP students are offered the unique opportunity to acquire a broad spectrum of media skills, professionally guided by our media team and provided with the necessary technical equipment by our SMP Media Center. All basic equipment for the production of media projects, be that video or animation, graphic design or podcasts, are accessible to our students in the SMP Media Center.

Society, Media, and Politics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Jacobs University Bremen | Germany

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