Electronics Engineering (M.Sc) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | Kadir Has University | Turkey
The Master's Degree in Electronics Engineering at Kadir Has University provides the skills and methodological tools needed to design and develop systems for signal processing, microwave systems and devices, information theory and coding and control with applications in the fields of electronics, and telecommunications. The program provides methodologies of advanced mathematical calculus, in particular probability and stochastic processes and linear systems in order to introduce the necessary tools to model and formalize the solutions of complex electronics engineering problems focusing on telecommunications. The teaching is complemented by providing advanced knowledge on the different topics characterizing especially in the fields of wireless communications and networking by providing advanced knowledge and skills for digital transmission techniques, theoretical and practical aspects of the information theory and coding, analysis and management of telecommunication networks, the design of sensor networks and on analog and digital broadband circuit design. Our MS graduates are expected to handle, analyze, design and offer viable solutions to the problems of the related institutions and companies in Turkey as well as abroad.