Citizenship and Civic Engagement (B.A.) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Karlshochschule International University | Germany

What would it be like if we really could save the world? If we realised that we, as individuals, are in a position to make a difference? If we could give our interactions with others meaning again? Citizenship & Civic Engagement is about precisely these things. There are a lot of things which need to be changed on our planet. But how? It is precisely this question, the question of how, that we concern ourselves with in the Citizenship & Civic Engagement course of study. Here, we give our ideals the tools needed in order to unleash big ideas – in our everyday interactions with each other, in academic contexts, or in our work with initiatives, NGOs, parties and businesses. We are characterised by a particular mentality. Not only do we want to carry out research, we also want our research to change society. We want to bring about change; in the heads of people, with words, pictures, ideas - and with action. We do volunteer work in those areas that we are really passionate about. We go out onto the street to protest against injustice and to promote our cause. We get involved in social networks and start petitions, campaigns, and debates. We mobilise people, getting them to join us or to support our ideas through crowdfunding. We want to change the world we live in, constructively and sustainably.

Citizenship and Civic Engagement (B.A.) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Karlshochschule International University | Germany

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