Bachelor of Applied Computer Science | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 3 years | KdG University of Applied Sciences and Arts | Belgium

Develop the specialist technical knowledge, ideas and head for business needed by today's programmers. Your first two years combine a thorough grounding in programming, artificial intelligence, data science, networks, systems and hardware. From day one, you learn to apply this knowledge in our integration projects, under the guidance of expert mentors. Typically, these focus on socially-relevant themes giving you the chance to innovate while delivering sustainable solutions. Our company simulation equips you in leadership, critical thinking and intercultural communication skills. You start out as a junior professional, working your way up to the board of directors by your final year. A focus on future technologies in the third year gives you an insight into the latest IT developments. You are now fully prepared for your internship. Step out with confidence. You will spend the next eight weeks working for an international company – either in Belgium or abroad. This program is modelled on our existing Dutch-language bachelor’s degree which has an impressive employment record among graduates. Experience has taught us that our graduate profile is actively sought after by recruiters.

Bachelor of Applied Computer Science | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 3 years | KdG University of Applied Sciences and Arts | Belgium

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