Art Education - B.A. | Bachelor's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 4 years | Kent State University | USA

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Art Education prepares students to effectively teach visual art by applying a learner-centered pedagogy to embrace the many dimensions of human intelligence and aesthetic education. Art educators understand child development to successfully engage learners in the complete artistic process of thinking—perceptual, imaginative, formative, expressive and communicative—by combining a range of subject matter, symbols and ideas. They organize and evaluate teaching activities for creating and analyzing works of art and design from contemporary and past cultures. This involves using a variety of media, technology and community resources, making connections between visual art and other disciplines, as well as assessing the learning outcomes of their students.

Art Education - B.A. | Bachelor's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 4 years | Kent State University | USA

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