Computer Engineering Technology - B.S. | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 4 years | Kent State University | USA

The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering Technology provides students with the opportunity to study computer systems and software-hardware interface so that they are capable of analyzing the problems in the computer and networking industry and producing computer engineering, networking and software solutions. The major's curriculum includes materials necessary for students to be eligible for industry certifications (e.g., Cisco, Microsoft, CompTIA) for career advancement. Computer engineering technologists focus on hardware or software issues. When companies need custom applications and network systems designed, they call the computer engineering technologist. In this age of heavy computer usage, with companies using computers for a large variety of functions, the computer engineering technologist is invaluable in keeping equipment running, updating software, maintaining connectivity and interfacing with users. Computer engineering technologists typically work for large companies, installing, testing, operating and maintaining the computer network ins. They may also find employment with companies that sell computers, at computer repair stores or at independent emergency repair facilities. Other common work locations include computer and peripheral manufacturing facilities, computer distribution facilities, computer research facilities and educational institutions.

Computer Engineering Technology - B.S. | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 4 years | Kent State University | USA

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