Entrepreneurship - B.B.A. | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | Kent State University | USA

The Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Entrepreneurship provides students with the academic background and experiential opportunities needed to view business opportunities from an entrepreneurial perspective. The program helps students recognize market and business opportunities and learn when to seize them or take action, all while operating within the context of limited resources and creating value for the customer. The program contains numerous opportunities to experience entrepreneurship firsthand. During their senior year, students earn course credit by launching and running a business of their own creation. A practicum can earn students credit while developing their own business or assisting entrepreneurs with their business. Students have many opportunities to meet experienced entrepreneurs who discuss their successes and failures in business. Courses in the major are hands-on, with experiential learning central to the course format.

Entrepreneurship - B.B.A. | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | Kent State University | USA

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