History - B.A. | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | Kent State University | USA

The Bachelor of Arts degree in History provides a well-rounded educational experience in which students have the independence and flexibility to explore and develop their individual interests while getting a solid grounding in different approaches to historical research, writing and analysis. The study of history offers insight into the complexity of the human experience by exploring the political, cultural, social, economic and environmental factors that have shaped the past and the present. The study of history also offers training in a range of skills including how to find, evaluate, manage and synthesize multiple sources of information; how to think critically and analyze complex evidence; how to undertake independent research and manage time effectively; how to develop and present reasoned arguments supported by evidence; how to present information and arguments effectively in writing; and how to develop and deliver effective oral presentations. The skills and experiences gained through the study of history provide preparation for a variety of career tracks.

History - B.A. | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | Kent State University | USA

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