Portuguese and Management with a Year Abroad | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | King's College London | United Kingdom

Our Portuguese and Management BA will allow you to achieve a high level of fluency in Portuguese, whatever your previous understanding of the language, while acquiring knowledge and skills in the broad discipline of management that are key to so many graduate careers. With strong links to the business world surrounding our campus in the heart of London, our students have excellent networking opportunities and a wealth of entrepreneurial, business and economic societies to engage with and enhance their studies. Choose from a range of Portuguese modules on cultural topics from the Middle Ages to the present day and Management modules including economics, organisational behaviour, accounting, marketing, and business strategy. The degree includes a year in a Portuguese-speaking country.

Portuguese and Management with a Year Abroad | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | King's College London | United Kingdom

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