Chemical Engineering (Environment and Energy) | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 3.5 years | Klaipeda University | Lithuania

The study program of Chemical Engineering aims to train bachelors with interdisciplinary academic education that can serve as a basis for the further development of their intellectual capacity and scientific approach to the solution of complex problems arising in contemporary chemical engineering and the related engineering fields. The specialists are able to analyse and develop chemical and technological processes, to develop new products, and to choose the equipment in a comprehensive way, given technological and social, economic, and environmental aspects. The graduates shall be flexible and able to adapt to the fast changing chemical industry and to evaluate and choose solutions; on the basis of their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, they shall be able both to organize conventional technological processes and to make decisions that require new knowledge. They shall be motivated to continuously update their knowledge and practical skills. The objectives for the program are that graduates of the department will obtain employment or attend graduate school, will advance in their chosen careers, and will be productive and fulfilled professionals throughout their careers.

Chemical Engineering (Environment and Energy) | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 3.5 years | Klaipeda University | Lithuania

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