Leisure Sports | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Klaipeda University | Lithuania

The Leisure Sports study program is current and original: the study subjects are oriented towards the development of seaside-specific physical activities using the resources of the Baltic Sea and its beaches. Over the course of their study program, students will gain knowledge and skills in beach volleyball, beach soccer, various agility games and water sports, including the currently extremely popular sport of surfing. Graduates will be able to organize leisure-time physical activities for people of all ages, which will be played not only in usual spaces, but also specifically tailored for the seaside. Graduates will also be able to independently conduct empirical research, analyze, interpret and discuss the results and draw conclusions, organize their learning individually, work in groups and reflect, plan their further education, envisage a personal and professional career vision, adapt to new situations and constant changes in the professional arena.

Leisure Sports | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Klaipeda University | Lithuania

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