Social Work | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 2 years | Klaipeda University | Lithuania

After completing Social work programme, students will acquire the following career opportunities: work in the social welfare system (state service, care homes for the elderly and/or children, daycare centers, social service centers, centers for the disabled etc.) community social work, health care social work, NGO’s. Also they will be able to continue studies at master’s level in social work, social pedagogy, public health, public administration, management and other programmes. Social work programme aims to provide knowledge and skills provided in Dublin descriptors: knowledge and understanding in a field of study and ability to apply their knowledge and understanding in occupational contexts; ability to identify and use data to formulate responses to well-defined concrete and abstract problems; communicate about their understanding, skills and activities with peers, supervisors and clients; have the learning skills to undertake further studies with autonomy. Also provided are knowledge and skills in social work values, ethical responsibility towards a client, state and economic systems, processes of personal socialization and social adaptation, human rights, social justice.

Social Work | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 2 years | Klaipeda University | Lithuania

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