EIT-KIC Master in Energy (Leuven et al) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | Ku Leuven | Belgium

The EIT-KIC Master in Energy for Smart Cities programme balances exciting technological opportunities in energy with environmental and socio-economic aspects of smart cities, such as energy efficiency in buildings, electric transportation, energy economics, smart lighting and other city services.The programme aims at maintaining a multidisciplinary approach to energy technology, while allowing you ample freedom to shape your personal profile. The programme is a collaboration between KU Leuven and the Grenoble Institute of Technology (INP), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) andUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC). You spend your first year at one university, your second year at another, and you have the possibility to complete an internship at a third. During the programme, you have the opportunity to engage directly with major industry players and research institutes, small specialist companies and innovative start-ups in the field of smart cities and buildings. The programme aims at maintaining a multidisciplinary approach to energy technology, while allowing you ample freedom to shape your personal profile. After successfully completing the programme, you receive a double degree, one from each university they attended during the two years, as well as an EIT InnoEnergy certificate in recognition of the extra activities accomplished.

EIT-KIC Master in Energy (Leuven et al) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | Ku Leuven | Belgium

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