European Master in Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology and Business | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 1 year | Ku Leuven | Belgium

This two-year European Master (BiFTec-FOOD4S) (“food force”) promotes a transversal and multidisciplinary approach to a broad range of topics related to the 4S-pillars: Science (Food Science and Engineering Technology), Sustainability (Sustainable Food Product & Food Process Design), Safety (Food Safety and Quality) and Simulation (Computational Food Science & Technology). What is the European Master of Food Science, Technology and Business all about? The European Master in Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology and Business (Ghent et al) is a conjoint programme run by four European partners: KU Leuven (coordinator), Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (UAnhalt), Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) and University College Dublin (UCD). Upon successful graduation, you will receive a joint master’s degree. BiFTec-FOOD4S offers an education which is at the same time broad and in-depth. The programme aims to develop and foster knowledge and awareness of scientific trends in food science, safety and quality, food product, process design and sustainable production, computational methods and risk analysis within a global context, as well as to identify key concerns about ecological and community issues relating to food systems and their production. The course seeks to expand the scope of theoretical research and policy debates over sustainable agriculture and food production. It offers a better understanding of food systems and ecological dynamics and offers strategies in terms of regenerating natural systems. Understanding and development of key issues in food legislation and regulations and application of quality management systems in the supply chain are integral components of the course. The focus on social concerns arising from food production, marketing, economics and consumption practices are addressed in an international context.

European Master in Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology and Business | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 1 year | Ku Leuven | Belgium

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