Master of Advanced Studies in European Policies and Public Administration | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 year | Ku Leuven | Belgium

KU Leuven's Advanced Master of European Politics and Policies (MEPP) offers both academic rigor and reputation with EU practitioner insight. This programme is a one-year Advanced Masters that builds on the international reputation of KU Leuven and develops a course that prepares students for careers in governments, international bodies and research. With an explicit focus on European countries and the European Union, and the comparative aspect of research, MEPP is a rigorous and valuable course for individuals interested in the EU and Europe. What is the Advanced Master of European Politics and Policies all about? This one-year, postgraduate programme has an explicit European and comparative orientation, which includes the study of institutions, decision-making and policies of the European Union on the one hand, and the analysis of convergence and divergence of public sector problems and solutions in European countries on the other. In promoting comparative approaches, MEPP not only seeks to strengthen cognitive capacities and analytical skills, but also to foster an open-minded attitude towards diversity.

Master of Advanced Studies in European Policies and Public Administration | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 year | Ku Leuven | Belgium

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