Master of Chemistry (Leuven) | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 2 years | Ku Leuven | Belgium

KU Leuven's Master of Chemistry provides extensive chemical knowledge and thorough training in current research. You will learn to deepen and apply your new knowledge to solve the interdisciplinary problems of the future, in both an industrial and an academic setting. The programme is anchored in the strong research environment of the Chemistry Department. What is the Master of Chemistry all about? The Master of Chemistry (Leuven) programme prepares the student to conduct solid research in an academic or industrial setting. Students apply the newly acquired knowledge and skills to identify a research question, to establish its chemical and social context, and to design a pathway to address this particular question.

Master of Chemistry (Leuven) | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 2 years | Ku Leuven | Belgium

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