Master of Human Settlements (Leuven) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 1 year | Ku Leuven | Belgium

Space is an increasingly limited resource. KU Leuven's Advanced Master of Human Settlements provides you insights into the challenges and opportunities of worldwide settlements in an era of rapid change. The intensive programme seeks to expose you to the multi-faceted challenge of contemporary human settlements, from multi-disciplinary and multi-scalar perspectives. You will also be encouraged to develop a critical and interpretative approach towards developing your own position within the field. What is the Advanced Master of Human Settlements all about? The Master of Human Settlements addresses rapid urbanisation in the developing world and contemporary urban transformations. Architecture, urbanism, landscape architecture and spatial planning are the core disciplines underpinning the programme. Contributions from economics, geography and anthropology, among others, complement the core, prepare you to better understand the interplay of human and natural ecosystems. The programme thrives from its truly international body of students and the faculty’s long-standing research expertise in worldwide contexts.

Master of Human Settlements (Leuven) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 1 year | Ku Leuven | Belgium

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