Master of Linguistics and Literature: English (Leuven) | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 year | Ku Leuven | Belgium

KU Leuven's 'Master of Linguistics and Literature: English' will expand your knowledge and command of the English language, and bring a new appreciation of literature and culture. Research-based teaching will allow you to benefit from KU Leuven’s internationally renowned scholars in English linguistics and literature. You will also be encouraged to develop your critical and research skills by way of seminars and your personal master’s thesis. What is the 'Master of Linguistics and Literature: English' all about? The programme emphasizes the academic study of English in all its aspects, ranging from the theoretical and historical study of the English language and literature to creative mastery of the living language.

Master of Linguistics and Literature: English (Leuven) | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 year | Ku Leuven | Belgium

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