Degree in Architecture Studies (English taught) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 5 years | La Salle Campus Barcelona | Spain

The La Salle Higher Technical School of Architecture ( ETSALS ) - Ramon Llull University offers an experience of learning Architecture and Building , working with the talent of leading architects from Barcelona , as well as from the rest of the world. A personalized study plan with various options guides the student based on their interests. It is articulated in three main axes of knowledge: Architectural design : involves linking the fact of knowing how to build what is imagined in a cultural and professional reality that gives it meaning. The technical-scientific axis is the domain of constructive knowledge as a sensitive and manipulable aspect. Cultural-humanistic axis is necessary to guide the student, the future architect, in an active, intensive and critical view.

Degree in Architecture Studies (English taught) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 5 years | La Salle Campus Barcelona | Spain

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