Degree in Technical Architecture and Building Engineering (Spanish taught) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 years | La Salle Campus Barcelona | Spain

With La Salle’s Degree in Technical Architecture and Building Engineering you will obtain the appropriate professional training to direct projects and construction, as well as their maintenance. The knowledge that you have acquired as a graduate in Technical Architecture and Building Engineering by La Salle will allow you to: Direct the physical execution of the building constructions, their facilities and elements, and carry out the qualitative and quantitative control of what has been built. This includes the establishment and management of the control plans for the materials, systems and execution of the construction, as well as the preparation of the corresponding records for incorporation into the building book. Write studies and plans for occupational safety and health and coordinate the activity of companies in the field of safety and health in construction works both in the project and implementation phases. Carry out technical activities of calculation, measurements, valuations, appraisals and economic feasibility studies. Conduct examinations, inspections, pathology and other similar studies and draft reports, opinions and technical documents. Elaborate technical projects and develop the direction of building constructions in the scope of its legal authorization. Manage new building technologies and participate in the processes of quality management in building. Conduct energy efficiency analyses, assessments and certificates, as well as sustainability studies in buildings. Direct and manage the use, conservation and maintenance of buildings, drafting the necessary technical documents. Elaborate studies on the life cycle of materials, building systems and buildings. Manage the treatment of demolition waste and construction. Advise technically in the manufacturing processes of materials. Manage the real estate process as a whole. To show the technical representation of the construction companies in the building works.

Degree in Technical Architecture and Building Engineering (Spanish taught) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 years | La Salle Campus Barcelona | Spain

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