Aboriginal Studies | Diploma / certificate | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | Langara College | Canada

The Aboriginal Studies program is an integrated university-transferable program that addresses historic and contemporary Aboriginal issues in Canada. The Aboriginal Studies program is unique and comprehensive. The program welcomes all Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students. The program strives to empower its students through education. The program encourages each student to reach their full potential through a unique, diverse and comprehensive approach to post-secondary education. The curriculum content provides students with a thorough understanding of the historic and current circumstances of Aboriginal life in Canada and internationally while also contemplating future issues such as Aboriginal self-government and economic self-sufficiency. Equal emphasis is placed on developing analytical skills, critical thinking and communication skills, as well as laying a solid foundation for additional educational pursuits.

Aboriginal Studies | Diploma / certificate | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | Langara College | Canada

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