Peace & Conflict Studies | Associate's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | Langara College | Canada

Peace and Conflict Studies (PCCN) is an interdisciplinary field of study which is concerned with the problem of human conflict, especially violent and destructive conflict, and the means by which it can be constructively and non-violently resolved. Its interdisciplinary approach to analysis draws on the perspectives of the physical and social sciences, History and Philosophy. Guest lecturers from these academic disciplines, as well as guests from the active world of conflict resolution - labour Mediators, politicians, peace leaders - will enhance the core courses. Each of the courses listed as requirements for a diploma program in Peace and Conflict Studies adds to an understanding of this most complex and pressing human issue.

Peace & Conflict Studies | Associate's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | Langara College | Canada

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