Midwifery (BHSc) | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 4 years | Laurentian University of Sudbury | Canada

Small class sizes, diverse range of student experiences, and a strong sense of student community contribute to student success. Get hands-on experience through placements with a midwife and other health professionals, organizations and institutions. Stay connected with internet classrooms in small tutorial groups while in placements to continue your theoretical learning. Solidify knowledge and skills through a practical learning environment and during the on-site two, one-week intensive training sessions the third year of study. Opportunity to hear from guest-speakers and certification reunite face to face . Third year begins and ends on campus where students build on clinical skills and knowledge. Graduates are eligible for registration as a midwife with the College of Midwives of Ontario, in addition to other colleges across Canada, upon successful completion of the Canadian Midwifery Registration exam. After graduation, gain experience and a salary during your new registrant's year with a full caseload of clients and the support and guidance of professionals.

Midwifery (BHSc) | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 4 years | Laurentian University of Sudbury | Canada

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