Postgraduate Certificate in Education (International) | Graduate diploma / certificate | Teaching & Education | Online/Distance | Liverpool Mechanics Institute | United Kingdom

Educational Aims of the programme To develop informed, knowledgeable, outstanding teachers, espousing creativity and research-informed teaching through deliberate practice; To develop students' critical reflection and reflexivity within the field of education and schooling, through analysis, synthesis and evaluation of evidence, theory and practice; To enable students to access, assess and effectively apply educational research, advanced scholarship and new insights from the discipline of education (and other related disciplines) in the classroom; To develop an understanding of the factors that influence effective, inclusive curriculum design and Pedagogy and impact on pupils/learners; To provide opportunity for students to achieve their full academic potential at Level 7, through study encouraging self-motivation, self-awareness and application of initiative To encourage professional accountability informed by an understanding of evidence based practice

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (International) | Graduate diploma / certificate | Teaching & Education | Online/Distance | Liverpool Mechanics Institute | United Kingdom

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