Accounting and Banking | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

Accounting has been defined as the measurement and disclosure of financial information that is used by managers, investors and others to make decisions about the allocation of resources within organisations. Our accounting and banking degree provides you with all the skills you need to ensure a sound foundation for your professional career in a wide range of fields of accounting and banking. A degree in Banking offers you the opportunity to study the theory and practice of financial services and financial markets, and to analyse the broader role of the financial sector in the national and global economies. Banking and financial services is a highly competitive and rapidly changing sector in every modern economy. In recent years, forces such as globalisation, technological change, deregulation and international integration have transformed the banking and financial services sector.

Accounting and Banking | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

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