English Language Teaching Distance Learning - MA (Full-time) | Master's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 1 year | London Metropolitan University | United Kingdom

The course offers a global approach to the field of English language teaching. With our diverse and multilingual cohort, we adopt a strongly intercultural approach which provides you with a challenging and valuable learning experience. The English Language Teaching MA is designed for teachers and language professionals as well as those with no teaching experience. The course ensures you develop new ways of thinking and talking about English language and English language teaching, and learning across different social and educational contexts. The English Language Teaching MA is a distance learning course, one of the first in London, offering you flexibility to suit your commitments and requirements. Based on the latest trends and findings in the subject areas, you'll explore theoretical and practical aspects of English language learning and teaching. The focus on intercultural issues will develop new ways of thinking and talking about language and language teaching across different linguistic, sociolinguistic and educational contexts. The applied nature of the course will enhance your confidence and employability. The lecturers teaching on the course have long-term experiences in teaching in different contexts, including specialities in applied linguistics, TESOL, ELT, linguistics and English language teacher training. They are research active and have publications in the subject area. Academics teaching on this course are members of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), and can keep you up to date with news, information, and conferences on English language training. The module leaders offer support to each student via email, phone and WebLearn. Online discussion groups are used as a teaching and learning method as well as additional student support. There is a module workbook for each module especially written for the distance learners. The modules draw strongly on recent developments and findings in ELT, offering a comprehensive course coveri

English Language Teaching Distance Learning - MA (Full-time) | Master's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 1 year | London Metropolitan University | United Kingdom

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