Events Management BA (Full-time) | Bachelor's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | On Campus | 3 years | London Metropolitan University | United Kingdom

Taught in the heart of London – one of the world’s great event capitals – this undergraduate degree will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the key principles of events management and the specialist skills required for a range of different roles. Taught by experts, you’ll also be mentored by leading industry figures and develop the experience and contacts you need for a successful career in events management. This degree has been designed to offer you a range of choices. Whether you want to focus on the academic study of events management or gain more practical skills as an entrepreneur or employee in the industry, you can create a Program that suits you. The course is recognised by ABPCO (the Association of British Professional Conference Organisers), who are the UK’s leading professional body for conference and event organisation. ABPCO recognition gives the course access to exclusive networking opportunities and guest speakers for students and staff. You’ll be taught by our experienced team and benefit from their years of experience in research and hands-on events management. Taught in the heart of London, you’ll also be perfectly placed to take advantage of the countless events opportunities on our doorstep. Throughout the course, you’ll study all aspects of events management – legal, human resources, logistics, marketing and finance – and gain the skills and know-how to create events from conception to conclusion, whether you're party-planning as an individual or playing a role in a wider organisation. You’ll also work closely with our industry partners across a range of fields including music, arts, fashion and corporate events. These partners will not only offer guest lectures throughout the course, they’ll also be actively involved in your development and act as mentors on practical modules and as recruiters, often employing interns and new graduates from our student/alumni pool. On graduation, you’ll have the experience and qualifications to

Events Management BA (Full-time) | Bachelor's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | On Campus | 3 years | London Metropolitan University | United Kingdom

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